Moon Ceremonies
For thousands of years ceremonies took place in sacred sites held by Priestesses and Priests of the Moon. Priestesses hold group ceremonies and can also tailor individual one to one, and private ceremonies that resonate with you, your belief system and your needs. This page explains more about the different types of ceremonies offered
Full Moon Ceremony
This is an invitation to honour the moon and find harmony and balance. The moon is called the Grandmother by many indigenous traditions, as well as throughout the ancient world. In the ceremony, water is energised by the light of the moon and then shared, to balance our etheric energy bodies. We work ceremoniously with an open mind and heart to receive the gift of healing from the moon, drinking water from our own well of wisdom.
Dark Moon Ceremony
The dark moon is the time of all possibilities; endings and at the same time new beginnings. The dark moon has within it the birth of the new moon, symbolising the dark waters of the womb, carrying the new life. In the dark moon ceremony we: honour our ancestors; recognise the gifts they have given us; offer back the gifts we no longer need; and heal our ancestral line.

Fire Ceremonies
Imbolc Ceremony – Ceremony of renewal and creating a foundation for growth. Bridget Fire activation, new moon festival.
March Equinox – Balancing the powers of dark and light, homeostasis, empowerment for growth
Beltane – Into the light: Blessing with the sacred fire of Mother Earth, The Green Man, Full moon festival
Summer Solstice – Sun ceremony of renewal, personal expansion and Earth blessing
Lammas – Festival of gratitude and rebuilding of relationship with Mother Earth
September Equinox – Balancing the powers of light and dark, homeostasis, Hieros Gamos
Samhain – Singing the dead souls home, Ancestral ceremony, Callieach fire and water festival
Winter Solstice – Rebirthing out of the void, medicine name blessing, welcoming the new souls into the world

Private Priestess of the Moon Celebrant Ceremonies
Naming Ceremony
A child is born as pure spirit; expansive and infinite. This world gives them a name by which they will be known. Each name carries a specific frequency that links to the vibration of the soul. We honour the spirit of the child by ceremoniously offering them their Earth name and also acknowledging their spirit name. This is a beautiful ceremony for children. This can also be an empowering ceremony and heartfelt experience for adults, creating a sense of belonging to this physical world.
Marriage to the Higher Self
In this lineage, we accept that a true marriage can only take place between the soul and its spiritual aspect. Marriage is the Union of the Light Eternal with its own incarnated soul. Through this Union a new star is born. In the ceremony you are married to your own spirit, your own power, to help you live your life purpose with understanding and be true to your soul.
Hand Fasting Ceremony
This is a ceremony of two equals coming together into a blessed partnership. Both participants embody their Divine masculine and feminine aspects and bring them into alignment for this the sacred marriage, recognising and honouring their own soul gifts. This is an oath to oneself to honour one's power, wishes, skills and soul journey and at the same time honour the other person in the same way. It is a marriage of joy and responsibility, love and friendship blessed by the ceremonial fire. The marriage is conducted for a year and a day. After that time each partner can decide whether they wish to renew their promise to each other, or break the partnership.
Funeral Ceremony
The Priestesses of the Moon are trained to officiate in non-denominational funeral ceremonies which honour the deceased and all life. The rite includes ceremonies of forgiveness, gratitude, generosity and celebration. A funeral ceremony can also take place whilst one is alive, as a way of gaining awareness of death and purifying karma.