In accordance with UK legislation, all material and information on this site is for information purposes only.
Neither the owners of the site, The ISIS School of Holistic Health, nor its operator Amanda Gilliland shall have any liability, either personal or professional, as a publisher of information or for any products or services mentioned, recommended, linked to or reviewed on this site. All opinions included on this site, including those in blogs, podcasts, articles, videos may be that of individual contributors.
The services detailed and all information thereof should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment, care or advice from your healthcare provider. Any healing services/therapies are offered only as complimentary. If you have a health issue, you must seek advice from a recognised health professional. In all cases it is recommended that you continue to follow medical treatment as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
Neither The ISIS School of Holistic Health, nor Amanda Gilliland shall have any liability for any particular outcome of any service offered on this site or on any site which is linked from this site, or by any healing practitioner listed thereof.
In accordance with UK legislation, we must advise you that all alternative and complimentary therapies are not regarded as scientifically proven, are not a substitute for mainstream medical treatment and are intended for relaxation purposes only. No claims are ever made as of them having any other effect. The practitioners do not claim to cure or diagnose illness.
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All material on this site is copyright © The ISIS School of Holistic Health, © Healing Practitioners In The World, all rights reserved, unless otherwise stated.
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